Here’s how we’ll be using QuadJobs this month:
- Organize garage
- Yardwork: weeding, mowing lawn.
- Birthday party for a 5 year old. Need a face-painter!
- Find someone to watch dog while we’re away for the weekend.
- Babysitter who can drive to soccer practice 2 afternoons a week.
- Organize photos into albums. We’ll hire a student we’ve used before and even let them do this from their dorm room.
- Help at tag sale (hang signs, help at sale)
- Bring items not sold at tag sale to GoodWill
- Move couch upstairs (3 flights)
- Paint fence
QuadJobs is an online platform connecting college and graduate students to local jobs. From Saturday night babysitting to moving a couch to helping a local business during a busy time, students find flexible jobs that fit into whatever free time they have. By streamlining the employment connection between campus and community, QuadJobs unlocks jobs particularly well-suited for students’ busy, often changing schedules. The platform tracks every job a student takes and gathers performance reviews. Small jobs matter—they help a student network, earn income, and build a track record of work experience. Local employers can hire with efficiency and confidence.