When you hire a local college student for part-time work or a one-time gig using QuadJobs, you’re making your life easier in the form of a top-notch babysitter, outstanding tutor, reliable dog walker, or hardworking intern. Our employers know that QuadJobs lets them get more done in the time they have. Household projects that have lingered on your To Do list, unfinished, can finally be crossed off. Small businesses can hire exactly the help they need, when they need it, without taking on extra payroll. You can throw a party and enjoy yourself, knowing there are extra hands to help serve your guests and clean up.
What may be less clear is how impactful it is to write a quick review when a student has done his or her job well.
After you’ve awarded the student the job, and they’ve worked for you, you simply click on the “give feedback” button under the applicant’s name in your job history. Writing a review takes less than 15 seconds.
When you take this last step, the student is rewarded for his or her hard work. Your job becomes a part of their permanent work track record on QuadJobs, which allows them to get hired more easily by other employers. It is a virtuous cycle. Students who have positive reviews get more jobs, it’s that simple. As a result, they can build the type of resume that makes a difference when they apply for their first job after college.
What if a student fails to meet your expectations? That’s also what the review process is for. It helps if you can be specific about which part of the student’s performance fell short — was she 15 minutes late to a marketing event? Did he let the kids stay up past bedtime?
Giving feedback is a quick way to reward a good kid who showed up, worked hard, and got the job done. Take a moment to review and consider it your good deed of the day!
QuadJobs is an online platform connecting college and graduate students to local jobs. From Saturday night babysitting to moving a couch to helping a local business during a busy time, students find flexible jobs that fit into whatever free time they have. By streamlining the employment connection between campus and community, QuadJobs unlocks jobs particularly well-suited for students’ busy, often changing schedules. The platform tracks every job a student takes and gathers performance reviews. Small jobs matter—they help a student network, earn income, and build a track record of work experience. Local employers can hire with efficiency and confidence.