With many college students heading home for Homecoming weekend or Thanksgiving, we thought it’d be a good time to remind everyone that they can find QuadJobs opportunities in their hometown communities simply by logging into their accounts and temporarily changing the address to home. It takes less than a minute. Your job board will show you the available jobs near your family’s home. Make money to cover your travel home or bring back to school!
There are so many quick jobs that are perfect for college students home for several days — babysitting, pet-sitting, party help, working at a professional event, or doing some yard work are just a few.
Working during college breaks in your hometown is also a great way to network for summer job opportunities. If you impress an employer and make a positive connection, you may find yourself first in line for a bigger summer opportunity.
We hope you’ll enjoy your time at home with family and friends and make the most of the opportunities around your hometown!
QuadJobs is an online platform connecting college and graduate students to local jobs. From Saturday night babysitting to moving a couch to helping a local business during a busy time, students find flexible jobs that fit into whatever free time they have. By streamlining the employment connection between campus and community, QuadJobs unlocks jobs particularly well-suited for students’ busy, often changing schedules. The platform tracks every job a student takes and gathers performance reviews. Small jobs matter—they help a student network, earn income, and build a track record of work experience. Local employers can hire with efficiency and confidence.