- Is there a skill you’ve always hoped to pick up? There will never be a better time for guitar lessons on YouTube or learning Italian.
- Create artwork for your home. Make your space beautiful and personal.
- Start or develop a mindfulness practice. Apps like Headspace and Calm make this easier than ever. Even if it doesn’t feel like “you’re doing it right” during meditation, observe how you feel afterwards as you go about your day. Do you see a difference?
- Find meaningful, life-giving ways to connect with friends. When video chats start to wear thin, consider sharing music or starting a book club. Ask a friend to be your virtual running buddy and call each other to chat as you run through your respective hometowns.
- Make a list of movies you’ve always meant to watch. You’ll never have a better time to catch up on classics like Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Bridget Jones Diary, or The Shawshank Redemption.
- Get in great shape. The Peloton app is free for 90 days. All you need is a phone to take advantage of their library of great workouts, meditations, and yoga classes. When we can all get together again, wouldn’t it be great to feel great?
- Learn how to cook new recipes. You may have limited access to all the groceries you’d like, but is there anything you can make that feels special and delicious? Find a great soup recipe online. Perfect your oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
- Be of service. Whether it’s helping your parents clean your home, delivering groceries for an elderly neighbor, or reaching out to local organizations who are caring for those with urgent needs, helping others always makes life better. Look for an upcoming post with more ideas on how to be of service from home!
- Celebrate all the little wins. Our hearts go out to all the college students who just had their spring semesters uprooted. It is no small thing. Getting up, making your bed, and getting dressed in the morning is a win. Eating well is a win. Not falling into self-destructive habits is a win. Getting some fresh air is a win. You don’t need to set the world on fire right now if that’s not where you are. You just have to do your best. We are proud of you every step of the way.
QuadJobs is an online platform connecting college and graduate students to local jobs. From Saturday night babysitting to moving a couch to helping a local business during a busy time, students find flexible jobs that fit into whatever free time they have. By streamlining the employment connection between campus and community, QuadJobs unlocks jobs particularly well-suited for students’ busy, often changing schedules. The platform tracks every job a student takes and gathers performance reviews. Small jobs matter—they help a student network, earn income, and build a track record of work experience. Local employers can hire with efficiency and confidence.