Most frequently asked question: How much should I pay a QuadJobber to do my job?
Since QuadJobs is a marketplace, it’s a tough one to answer. The right wage depends on where you live, the job responsibilities, the student’s level of experience, and the duration of the job (i.e. helping at a big marketing event for two hours could be $18/hour, whereas you’d pay an ongoing intern less).
If you’re feeling stuck, drop us a line at [email protected] and we can try to figure it out together. It’s an art and not a science, but we’re happy to help.
QuadJobs is an online platform connecting college and graduate students to local jobs. From Saturday night babysitting to moving a couch to helping a local business during a busy time, students find flexible jobs that fit into whatever free time they have. By streamlining the employment connection between campus and community, QuadJobs unlocks jobs particularly well-suited for students’ busy, often changing schedules. The platform tracks every job a student takes and gathers performance reviews. Small jobs matter—they help a student network, earn income, and build a track record of work experience. Local employers can hire with efficiency and confidence.